PwC Enterprise Agreement: An Overview

PwC, or Price Waterhouse Coopers, is one of the largest professional services networks in the world. With over 250,000 employees across 157 countries, the company offers a wide range of services that include audit and assurance, consulting, tax, and deals.

One of the ways in which PwC ensures that its employees are well-taken care of is through its enterprise agreement. An enterprise agreement is a legally binding agreement that outlines the terms and conditions of employment between an employer and its employees, including matters like pay rates, working hours, leave entitlements, and dispute resolution procedures.

In the case of PwC, the enterprise agreement is an important document that governs the relationship between the company and its employees. The agreement was first introduced in 2017 and covers all employees in Australia who are not covered by a modern award.

Some of the key features of the PwC enterprise agreement include:

1. Pay and benefits: The agreement sets out the pay rates for PwC employees, including minimum rates of pay and annual salary increases. It also outlines the various benefits that employees are entitled to, such as healthcare, superannuation, and bonuses.

2. Working hours: The agreement specifies the standard working hours for PwC employees and also outlines the overtime rates and procedures for claiming overtime.

3. Leave entitlements: The agreement outlines the different types of leave that employees are entitled to, including annual leave, personal leave, and parental leave. It also sets out the procedures for requesting and taking leave.

4. Dispute resolution: The agreement sets out the procedures for resolving disputes between PwC and its employees, including the use of internal resolution mechanisms and external dispute resolution services.

As an employee of PwC, it is important to read and understand the enterprise agreement in order to ensure that you are aware of your rights and obligations. The agreement is a legally binding document and failure to comply with its terms and conditions can result in disciplinary action.

In conclusion, the PwC enterprise agreement is an important document that governs the relationship between the company and its employees. It outlines the various terms and conditions of employment, including pay rates, working hours, and leave entitlements. As an employee of PwC, it is important to read and understand the agreement in order to ensure that you are aware of your rights and obligations.

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